If your card details have been used to make a fraudulent transaction on eBooks.com, don't panic. It will be easily fixed and you won't lose any money.
Here's what to do:
(1) Make sure it's actually eBooks.com that billed you.
There are a lot of companies with the term "ebook" in their name. Check your card statement. Look at the narration (message) that appears next to the unrecognized transaction. If it says “eBooks.com” then the card was used on our website and we want to know about it as soon as possible (see step 2).
a) If your card statement says anything else (for instance “ebook55” “ebooks.cc” “ebookers” "ebookonline" "ebooksupport.online" "ebooksbill.com") then this payment was not made on eBooks.com and we cannot help you. You need to contact that other company directly.
b) If it is a subscription (with the same amount coming out of your account at regular intervals) this is definitely not eBooks.com, as we don't provide subscription services.
(2) Report the issue to us
Contact us here and tell us what happened.
You'll need to provide the following information for a rapid response:
- Name of the card holder
- Narration (message) that appears on your card statement
- Last 4 digits of your card, card type and expiry date
- Amount charged
- Date of transaction as it appears on your card statement
We will then investigate, refund the full amount (if the bank has not already reclaimed the money), and shut down the fraudulent account.
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